• Becoming a Glamparent

    Could it be that as baby boomers we feel as though we’re too vibrant, too cool, too posh to be called "Grandma"? Does the word "Grandma" represent an old person, maybe even decrepit? Last week I was at a children's publication store and also observed that practically every book about grandparents showed granny with white hair as well as numerous creases, along with bent over grandfather wearing glasses, looking totally old. Look online and see the "old" grandparent pictures there. When we see these pictures, it's no wonder a lot of of us don't intend to be called Grandma. There's a preconception associated to the name.

    However, let's re-think this for a minute. It’s an honor to be a grandparent. It is a happiness that no one can comprehend until it happens to them. Aren't we as old as we feel? Today's g-parents think of themselves as young, they act young, and they look more youthful than the grandparents of generations ago. It does not suggest that we need to dislike being called Grandma. The hot new name appears to be GlamMa. The Urban Dictionary states, "If 60 is the new 40, then GlamMa is the brand-new Grandma, a woman with a sense of self and design." Glamparent is "the new generation of grandmothers, who are fashionable in the way that they live and dress. These women don’t fit the common cardigan-wearing, permed hair gran stereotype, they are extravagant."

    When you search for grandparent names, there's an abundance of various unique nicknames. Select one you like as if you do not want to be called Grandma. As I consider my very own grandma, my heart fills with joy. We called her "Bubbles" and "Gaga". She was absolutely remarkable and the best chef ever. (Boy, do I want I 'd paid a lot more interest to her cooking tricks.) I would certainly not have thought any differently of her, if we had actually called her Grandma. I loved her no matter what.

    Truly, the name is the least essential aspect here. Bottom line: being grandma is a gift, something to be CELEBRATED. It doesn't matter whether we are Nana, or Mimi, or Grammy, or GlamMa. What matters is that we love our grandkids and they love us. Aren't there larger concerns to handle?


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