• Things for Grandparents to Remember

    We asked the highly respected and acclaimed teacher, Reveta Bowers, to give us her ideas on grandparenting. Here are some  Things for Grandparents to Remember:

    1. Physical affection is never ever lost on a grandchild. Hugs, kisses, high fives, and fist bumps are ways to connect on both physical and emotional level. Hugs to express love and compassion are just as appreciated.

    2. As grandparents you’re amazing educators regarding stuff you enjoy and enjoy doing. Cook together, take walks, put together a scrapbook or photo album, cook dinner, toss a ball or swim. All kinds of things are better when shared. Read an old favorite book from your childhood years.

    3. If nobody else is doing it, instruct your grandkids some good antique Civics. Perhaps the next generation will grow up with some concept of exactly how federal government should work and also what the Constitution really does guarantee as civil rights and liberties.

    4. The love you feel for grandchildren is only great if you give voice to it sincerely and frequently. Let them know just how you feel and just how much they’re cherished, but also let them know when you're not happy, to make sure that in their eyes you are credible and believable.

    5. Discover and use the resources that will make you a better grandparent. Common Sense Media exists to help with all types of vital problems. Remember they "rate, inform as well as advocate on behalf of youngsters and households as well as schools! And obviously, Grandparentslink.com is there for recommendations of activities, toys, publications, dishes, professiona posts, beauty, self-care, health and wellness suggestions, and all way of things. Your grandkids's sites, collections, and parent education programs have incredible info to help you in raising a grandchild in the 21st Century.


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