• Tips on Becoming a Better Grandparent

    While we take on our new journey of grandparenthood and learn how to be best at it, we believe enjoying our relationship with our grandchildren is one of the best things in the world. We all want to make the most of time we get to spend with our grandkids. As grandparents, we want to create deep, loving relationships with them by sharing the things we love and by discovering what excites them.

    So, whether you’re a full-time grandparent, a step-grandparent, or a long distance grandparent living thousands of miles away, there are new ways you can strengthen family ties and provide your grandchildren with joyful memories and valuable life lessons.

    Here are some tips on how you can build great relationships with your grandkids:

    Tip 1: Share your interests or your work

    One way of building relationship with your grandkids is by doing hobbies and activities that you love or your grandchild loves. Sometimes, activities that you might not expect them to enjoy, like knitting or gardening, might turn out to provide an important point of connection for you. Also, if you take  interest in something that they’re passionate about, like Harry Potter or trading cards, they get to share their special area of knowledge, and they may open up to you in new ways.

    In the event that you’re still working, bringing them to your workplace adds a new dimension to your grandchild’s perception of you. If you’re retired, showing them pictures and sharing stories about what your working days were like can do the same.

    Tip 2: Go outside

    We all know that children love the outdoors, and trips to the beach or the park can be wonderful adventures and happy memories for you and your grandkids. Activities, like nature walks and day hikes can provide lots of interesting things to talk about. You can also try water activities which are especially fun. Simply watching the current or throwing stones into the water are simple activities that can be fascinating to them. You can do these activities with them while they are toddlers, and then expand the games and experiences as they get older.

    Tip 3: Grandparenting on the road

    Going on a trip with your grandchildren or sharing your love of a favorite place will also help you create lasting memories together. Whether it’s a staycation in a nearby hotel, a day trip to a national park, or a week-long resort vacation, your grandkids will always be remember it as a special journey with grandma or grandpa.


    Visit GrandparentsLink.com  to  find out 2 more tips on Grandparenting Better.



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